Alan Hodson | Proper Printshop | Shirt Show 58
Putting Alan Hodson's story into an easily digestible little paragraph just won't do it any justice. Here we are laughing it up shootin' the shit with the owner of Proper Printshop in El Paso, TX(the town that doesn't rain), and you'd have no idea that this guy has faced adversities as harsh as homelessness and addiction. But when you have the help and support of your family and community, you can go through hell and come out the other side wearing a big smile and a badass tee. Get ready to commiserate, laugh, and get inspired by our incredible conversation with Alan. Topics discussed include: Interactive white boards, outdoor print presses, living above the shop, support groups, the order of shop upgrades, DMT, warm wet naps, Battlefield 6, and why every shop needs to hire an Otto & Meghan.